Monday 4 July 2022

5 Things You Can Do Now to Save Money & Avoid a Furnace Repair

 When you hear the furnace kick on, it's easy to assume that everything is working as it should. However, if you're hearing strange noises or a bad smell coming from your heater, take a moment to inspect the unit and see if there are any potential problems. 

There's nothing worse than a heat wave and paying for a Furnace Repair in Brockton MA. It's expensive, uncomfortable, and inconvenient — not to mention inconvenient for your wallet! Below are 5 things you can do before the next heat wave to save yourself from a costly furnace repair.

Replace or clean your air filter on a regular basis.

Replacement filters are fairly inexpensive and can ensure a long life for your furnace. Air filters protect the heating system from dirt and dust that would otherwise damage the motor, fan, blower wheels, and electrical components.

You should replace your air filter at least every three months or when it becomes dirty. If you don't have an air conditioning maintenance plan, check the manufacturer's recommendations to see how often they recommend changing your filter. 

Keep the area around the furnace unit clear of debris.

It's always important to keep your home clean, but it's especially important near the furnace unit. Debris can block vents and filters, causing overheating or preventing airflow in and out of the unit. Clearing away any buildup helps ensure that your furnace is running efficiently, which will save you money on energy costs in the long run. 

A clean environment also makes it easier to maintain your heating system by removing dust and other particles that could cause fires if they were allowed to build up around combustible materials such as wood paneling or insulation materials such as fiberglass batting or cellulose fillers.

Furnace Repair Brockton MA

Ensure there is a safety switch on your gas valve.

A safety switch is a piece of equipment that prevents the gas from leaking before it reaches your furnace. If the safety switch fails, it can potentially be dangerous for both you and your family. A broken gas valve can also cause problems with other components of your HVAC system; so if you're having trouble finding that pesky leak, try replacing all of those parts first before diving into another big repair job like installing new ductwork or buying an entirely new heating unit altogether!

If you detect a gas leak, leave your house immediately.

If you detect a gas leak, leave your house immediately. Do not try to locate the source of the smell or any leaks on your own. Instead, call the Furnace Repair South Shore MA service expert and ask them to send someone out to fix it. If you have time before calling emergency services, open windows throughout your house to ventilate it while waiting for help from professionals. This will help prevent any further damage caused by carbon monoxide poisoning as well as allow gases already inside your home to dissipate more quickly once they are brought outside by opening windows.

Call for furnace repairs if you hear or smell gas.

If you smell gas, call your local fire department immediately. Gas leaks can be a major cause of carbon monoxide poisoning and fires. If you hear a hissing sound, get out of the home immediately and call your local fire department. This is a sign that there is a gas leak in your house, which can cause an explosion or other damage to the property. The safest thing to do when this happens is to evacuate the premises until the issue has been resolved by an experienced technician.


If you take care of your furnace and keep it in good working order, then you should be able to avoid costly repairs that could stop you from heating your home. If you hear or smell gas, however, then it’s time to call an expert who can assess the situation before taking any chances.

Source: 5 Things You Can Do Now to Save Money & Avoid a Furnace Repair

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